a fixture in the community

Corinne Drake making her famous Cinnamon Roll-Ups. (1981)

In 1979, Henry and Corinne Drake opened up the Apple Shed Bakery in Kents Hill and began making apple pies with the apples from their orchard. Located across the street from the picturesque Kents Hill school, the Apple Shed Bakery sits right in the middle of the Orchard and is a staple of the Kents Hill community. In keeping with the traditions of the Drake family, we are still making pies and cinnamon Roll-Ups just like Corinne, however the scope of the baked goods has expanded beyond sourdough bread, bagels, sweet and savory croissants, sweet breads, and biscuits to offering prepared entrees, soups, chowders, dips, and salads.